donderdag 25 mei 2017



How come that I one day beat a 2000+ elo rated player and the next day I have it extreme difficult to draw a 1400+ elo rated player? How comes that my playing strenght fluctuates so hard?

Where is the consistency? How does one be consistent? Is there a handy tool to learn to be consistent?

Is there a book that handles this topic consistency?

Please help!

Have fun playing chess.

14 opmerkingen:

  1. Would you say that the 2000 player was playing well (at his rating) or having a bad day?
    Would you say that the 1400 player was playing at his rating or above it?
    These are necessary questions first to see if it is them or you that is different.
    Assuming that your playing quality was very different in each game, then it's a question of what you were doing (or not doing) that changed your performance level.
    My chess performance level swings a lot, based on my energy level and how calm and patient I am when making decisions during a game. I think this is probably the case for many people.

    1. The 2000+ player was playing at his normal level and the 1400+ player was maybe playing a little bit above his level. Maybe I am more focussed when I play players above my own rating? But I doubt that. Somehow, I have the feeling that one day I can calculate much better then on another day. Why? I dont know.

    2. There has been written a very little about this problem. There are at least a few elements you have to take into consideration:

      1) Did you play the opening line you are familiar with?
      2) Did you sleep well the night before?
      3) How much energy did you lose during previous day (or days if there was a tournament)
      4) Were you sick or ill? If yes, how much did it influence at your game?
      5) Did your mind wandering to another (life) problems instead of chess ones?
      6) Do you change your attitude towards weak or strong players?

      In short: consistency requires a very good energy (and actions) management. If you are able to control everything (what is possible to control) and have a good health - you can be more consistent. However do not demand being perfect player - you will not be able to play like a machine. Most often it is a matter of your approach to what happens inside you.

      Actually many (weaker) players experience serious problems when they got so called "chess crisis". It is hard to convince yourself it is a NORMAL case if it happens once a while.

      Let me know if that helps and if you have any comments or another questions - go ahead!

  2. Tomasz, thanks for your comment.
    I feel less bad now about the draw against the 1400+ player. Guess my energy level was a bit lower because my mind wasn't 100% by the game and sometimes I have the habit to underestimate a lower rated player.

    Thanks again for your comment.

  3. My playing strength changes dramatically just based on what opening I get!!

    1. Maybe you must play your openings according the three golden rules?

      1. one pawn in the center, not more then two.
      2. develop your pieces
      3. kingsafety

  4. So, it may not be yourself being inconsistent, but rather your opponents being inconsistent based on what opening they get!

    1. True, it can come from both sides. Had not looked at it from that perspective.

  5. Speaking of Charles Hertan, he used to play 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nf6 3.Nxe5 Nxe4!? at which point Black almost never loses!!

    1. I dont like the Petrov or Rusiqn defence. Its kinda a drawish opening. So no wonder Hertan almost never losses with it.

  6. But when I get it against USCF rated 2000-2199, I still almost never lose with it and sometimes win, and I'm currently only rated 1772.

  7. You say alot that you dont lose against 2000-2199 rated players. So I wonder why on earth you are still only rated 1772? What goes wrong if you dont get your opening? I guess that is the question you must find the answer of.

  8. Lately I have been paired against a lot of up and coming kids, where my openings don't work and Draws lower my rating.

    But, I have been working on a new opening with Black against 1.e4 against those little Asian Assassins.

  9. Yep, kids are dangerous. I have had my fair share of lossess against them although lately I have more wins then draws and lossess against them.
